Current HawkSoft Online (Parallels) customers: Ready to upgrade to HawkSoft 6?
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The next evolution of HawkSoft

Welcome to your home for information and updates on the next evolution of our platform, which will use cloud technologies to serve your agency's data to desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. We've created this page to share our vision for this project, answer questions, and celebrate milestones. We'll update this page periodically so you can journey with us to the cloud.

Last updated on July 26, 2024

Balloon and Cloud

Introducing HawkSoft 6: our cloud platform

HawkSoft 6 brings the powerful, intuitive, and efficient HawkSoft workflows you love to a new platform powered by the cloud. HawkSoft 6 fundamentally changes where HawkSoft stores, reads, and delivers your agency’s data. It frees data from being tethered to your agency’s local server (local installation) or third-party online hosting partner (HawkSoft Online). Instead, all data is stored and accessed on HawkSoft Cloud, our secure cloud servers powered by Microsoft Azure.

  • Enables data access from both a desktop app and mobile browsers
  • Eliminates the need for a server hosted locally on your office network or by third-party online hosting partners
  • Facilitates faster and more reliable connectivity
  • Provides enhanced data security on Microsoft Azure
  • Backs up your HawkSoft data automatically in the cloud
  • Provides infrastructure for faster innovation of new features

Two ways to access your data in HawkSoft 6

HawkSoft 6 combines the powerful performance of a desktop app with the convenience of cloud-based data that can be accessed from anywhere on any device. You’ll enjoy the full set of features on your office PC or laptop, and have access to important features from a web browser.

Our cloud approach is similar to a platform like Microsoft Outlook: the desktop app offers the most comprehensive features and best overall experience to those working on a PC or laptop while a lighter feature set is available via web browser that provides convenient access to key information and features from any device.

Cloud Platform

1. Desktop app
       All features

The desktop app delivers the full, comprehensive set of features you have come to expect from HawkSoft on your office workstation or anywhere you take your laptop.

  • Native app for Windows installed on your office PC or laptop
  • Same powerful and efficient policy workflows and keyboard shortcuts you know and love
  • Smaller footprint: no need for a local server, third-party online hosting partners, or remote access software like Parallels
Mobile browser experience

2. Browser access
       Some features

Key data, reporting, and management features will be available via browser login so you can access them from any device.

  • Client and policy data
  • Task management
  • Analytics & reporting
  • Trust accounting
  • Carrier download management
  • Agency setup & user management

When will HawkSoft 6 be available?

Current Phase: Phase 3

Phase 0 (began Q4 2022)
Internal use & testing by HawkSoft employees

HawkSoft 6 was first released to HawkSoft employees, who use the system to manage our clients (agencies). This allowed us to test workflows, fix bugs, and train employees on the platform before it was released to agencies. This version did not have all capabilities of the current HawkSoft platform, as some were still under development.

Who received this version:

  • HawkSoft employees

Excluded features/workflows:

  • Some features/workflows still under development

Phase 1 (began Q2 2023)
Applicable new agencies

In this phase, HawkSoft 6 is released to agencies that are new to HawkSoft and do not require a data conversion from their prior system. This begins with smaller, less complex agencies and will include more agencies with increasing complexity throughout the phase. This version does not include some lesser-used capabilities of the current HawkSoft platform.

This phase allows us to test and refine HawkSoft 6 with a small and predictable number of agencies, ensuring the new platform is scalable before moving a large number of agencies and their data onto it.

Who can get this version:

  • New agencies that sign up with HawkSoft and do not require the excluded features

Excluded services/features:

  • Data conversion from another management system
  • Commissions workflows & reporting
    Used by less than 30% of agencies
  • Batch email sends from reports (individual email capabilities remain)
    Used by less than 1% of agencies
  • Agent Portal (website for client data)
    Used by less than 2% of agencies
  • Self-service Certificates (HawkSoft Marketplace add-on)
    Used by less than 4% of agencies
  • CSV Data Importer
    Used by less than 2% of agencies
  • ID Card integration for NY, NJ, FL
  • Different user permissions set per office
    Used by less than 10% of agencies

See details on excluded features

Phase 2 (began Q4 2023)
Most new & existing agencies

In this phase we will begin the controlled migration of thousands of existing HawkSoft agency databases onto HawkSoft 6. This will be done gradually in staged rollouts, starting with agencies of certain demographics with less complex feature needs. Agencies with more complexity will be added throughout the phase, as more features and functionality are released. A dedicated migration team will guide each agency through the migration process to ensure a successful transition to the new platform.

More new agencies will also continue to be put on HawkSoft 6, with data conversions from other management systems becoming available later in this phase.

Who can get this version:

  • New agencies whose needs are compatible with the features available during this phase
  • Applicable existing HawkSoft agencies whose needs are compatible with the features available during this phase

Features to be added throughout this phase

These features will be excluded at the beginning of the phase, but will be released throughout the phase as they are completed.

  • Agency commissions capabilities (statement downloads, spreadsheet import, agency commission paid report)
    Comprehensive capabilities used by less than 30% of agencies
  • CSV Data Importer
    Used by less than 2% of agencies
  • Data conversions from prior system for new agencies

See details on these items

Phase 3 (began Q1 2024)
All new & existing agencies

In this phase, HawkSoft 6 will be available to all new and existing agencies, with more features and functionality added throughout the phase. Existing agencies will continue to be migrated gradually in groups throughout the phase, according to their needs. By the end of this phase, HawkSoft 6 will have overall functional parity with prior versions of HawkSoft, plus many updates and enhancements that utilize our modern cloud infrastructure.

Who can get this version:

  • All new agencies
  • All existing agencies

Features to be added throughout this phase

These features will be excluded at the beginning of the phase, but will be released throughout the phase as they are completed.

  • Accounting data migration (migration of settings, open items, etc)
  • Agent commission capabilities (agent splits, payouts)
    Used by less than 30% of agencies
  • Commission data migration (unreconciled statements only)
  • Different user permissions set per office
    Used by less than 10% of agencies
  • Self-service Certificates (HawkSoft Marketplace add-on)
    Used by less than 4% of agencies
  • Agent Portal (website for client data)
    Used by less than 2% of agencies
  • Batch email sends from reports
    Used by less than 1% of agencies
  • Default tasks (replacing default suspenses)
    Used by less than 15% of agencies
  • Multiple QuickBooks Company Files
    Used by less than 6% of agencies
  • Book of business merge/acquisition
    Needed by less than 4% of agencies

See details on these items


Roadmap to HawkSoft 6

Project Status

  • Not Started
  • In Development
  • Completed
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Milestone 1

  • Cloud Infrastructure
  • Vendor API
  • Cloud Search (New Search Experience)
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Milestone 2

  • Agency Setup & User Management
  • Remove Settings Dependency on In-Office Network Drives
  • UX/UI Development
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Milestone 3

  • Agency Intelligence Reporting Engine
  • Sales & Retention Reports
  • Accounting & QuickBooks® Integration
  • Tasks
  • Multi-factor Authentication
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Milestone 4

  • Ready-made Reports
  • Access Client File with API Calls
  • Carrier Setup
  • Logs & Attachments
  • Agency Onboarding/Offboarding
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Phase 0 Launch

HawkSoft employees

  • Quarter 4 of 2022
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Milestone 5

  • Data Exports
  • Carrier Downloads
  • Print/Create Options, Including ACORD Forms
  • Rater Integrations
  • Partner API
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Phase 1 Launch

Applicable new agencies

  • Quarter 2 of 2023
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Milestone 6

  • Customer Database Migration
  • New Database Conversion
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Phase 2 Launch

Most new & existing agencies

  • Quarter 4 of 2023
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Features released throughout Phase 2

Features will be released individually as they are completed (learn more)
  • Agency Commissions
  • CSV Data Importer
  • Reporting Enhancements
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Phase 3 Launch

All remaining agencies

  • Quarter 1 of 2024
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Features released throughout Phase 3

Features will be released individually as they are completed (learn more)
  • Agent Portal
  • Batch Email
  • Self-Service Certificates
  • Accounting Data Migration
  • Agent Commissions
  • User Permissions by Office
  • Commission Data Migration (99%)
  • Book of Business Merges/Acquisitions
  • Default Tasks
  • Multiple QuickBooks Company Files (5%)
  • Fit & Finish (ongoing)

Project Status

  • Not Started
  • In Development (% done)
  • Completed
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Milestone 2

  • Agency Setup & User Management
  • Remove Settings Dependency on In-Office Network Drives
  • UX/UI Development
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Milestone 4

  • Ready-made Reports
  • Access Client File with API Calls
  • Carrier Setup
  • Logs & Attachments
  • Agency Onboarding/Offboarding
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Milestone 5

  • Data Exports
  • Carrier Downloads
  • Print/Create Options, Including ACORD Forms
  • Rater Integrations
  • Partner API
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Milestone 6

  • Customer Database Migration
  • New Database Conversion
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Features released throughout Phase 2

Features will be released individually as they are completed (learn more)
  • Agency Commissions
  • CSV Data Importer
  • Reporting Enhancements
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Features released throughout Phase 3

Features will be released individually as they are completed (learn more)
  • Agent Portal
  • Batch Email
  • Self-Service Certificates
  • Accounting Data Migration
  • Agent Commissions
  • User Permissions by Office
  • Commission Data Migration
  • Book of Business Merges/Acquisitions
  • Default Tasks
  • Multiple QuickBooks Company Files (5%)
  • Fit & Finish (ongoing)
Roadmap illustration with pins denoting HawkSoft 6 development progress
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Milestone 1

  • Cloud Infrastructure
  • Cloud Authentication
  • Cloud Search (New Search Experience)
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Milestone 3

  • Agency Intelligence Reporting Engine
  • Sales & Retention Reports
  • Accounting & QuickBooks® Integration
  • Tasks
  • Multi-factor Authentication
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Phase 0 Launch

HawkSoft employees

  • Quarter 4 of 2022
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Phase 1 Launch

Applicable new agencies

  • Quarter 2 of 2023
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Phase 2 Launch

Most new & existing agencies

  • Quarter 4 of 2023
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Phase 3 Launch

All remaining agencies

  • Quarter 1 of 2024
Rocket ship illustration denoting enhanced capabilities of the HawkSoft 6


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